Headteacher's Welcome

On behalf of the staff, children and governors, I would like to welcome you to Hogarth Primary School.

As a school community, we are very excited as we commence the next chapter in the life of Hogarth Primary School and we look to the future with confidence, ensuring that our school is an exciting place to learn.

We are very proud of our enthusiastic, talented and hardworking children, who are supported in their learning by a dedicated and passionate staff team and very supportive parents/carers.  Our values of 'respectful, responsible, reflective, resilient', permeate the life of our school, with staff, pupils, governors and parents/carers exploring, discovering and learning together, sharing a common aim for all our children to be the best that they can be.  I am very proud to be the Headteacher here.

We never underestimate the important role we play in your child’s life and therefore, we strive to make each day the best it possibly can be. We hope you enjoy many happy years with us and make lasting memories at Hogarth.

If you wish to keep up to date on all the exciting things happening here at Hogarth Primary School, check out our X (formally Twitter) page @HogarthPS.


Mr R Watson

Headteacher, Hogarth Primary School