Local School Committee

Dear Parents, Carers and Pupils

I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to Hogarth Primary School and to introduce you to the Hogarth Local School Committee.

As Chair of the Hogarth Local School Committee and on behalf of all of the Governors, welcome to Hogarth Primary School, which is part of the family of schools within the Discovery Educational Trust.  The Local School Committee works alongside the Headteacher and school leaders to ensure that children are safe and have access to the highest quality education.   

Together, we will always put our children at the centre and, as Governors, work with the school leaders to question, challenge and support to achieve the very best outcomes for our pupils.

The Governors are fully committed to the vision and values of ‘Explore, Discover, Learn’ to ensure that our children develop their learning potential in order to become respectful, responsible, reflective and resilient learners.  We also seek to develop caring, considerate, compassionate individuals, who aim to achieve their personal best in whatever they do.  We want our children to be confident to take risks and develop strong positive relationships to support their own learning. 

Our Local School Committee consists of parents, teachers and representatives of the community with experience in education and a wide range of other skills and experience. All Governors are volunteers, who give up a huge amount of time and bring valuable knowledge and skills to support our school.

I hope you will be encouraged to make a personal visit to our school, where I know that the staff and pupils will make you feel welcome. On behalf of the Governors, I look forward to meeting our parents, carers and pupils in the very near future. To contact me, please write to the Chair of Governors at the school address.

Best wishes,

Cathryn Adams

Chair of Hogarth Local School Committee

Local Governors

Cathryn Adams Chair of Governors/Co-opted Governor
Annette Best Co-opted Governor
Joanne Creasey Staff Governor
Ian Kirby Co-opted Governor
James Lee Parent Governor
Marianne Pearson Parent Governor
Melissa Steingass Co-opted Governor
Rob Watson


Local School Committee Terms of Reference 

Register of Business Pecuniary and Personal Interests


Governor resignations during Academic Year 2023/24

There have been no Governor resignations during this academic year.