Uniform Information
School Uniform

To maintain a positive image of our school we like all children to adhere to our school uniform guidelines.
We do not have a specific Summer or Winter uniform. Any item on the approved list can be worn all year round.
Although we would like children to wear the embroidered uniform items, we fully understand that this is not always possible. We are happy for children to wear non-embroidered items so long as they comply with the policy.
Uniform can be bought from 'Smartypants' via this link.
The Discovery Educational Trust Uniform Policy applies across all of its schools, including Hogarth Primary School. The Trust policy is available via this link.
Approved Uniform List
- White polo shirt;
- Plain black or grey skirt or trousers (shorts during warmer weather);
- Black or grey pinafore;
- Blue/white check dress (during warmer weather);
- Navy sweatshirt/cardigan (preferably with the school logo available from its supplier);
- Grey/Black socks or tights;
- Black shoes.
PE Kit
- White t-shirt;
- Black shorts;
- White socks;
- Plimsolls for indoor, trainers for outside;
- Tracksuit bottoms and sweatshirt in the colder months. – recently changed to must be a black tracksuit
Other Requirements
- No jewellery.
- Watches can be worn from Year 3 onwards. This includes Fitbits or similar.
- Children are not permitted to have dyed hair.
Pre-Loved Uniform
Pre-loved uniform will be available to buy during all Parents' Evenings and on school Open Days.